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Webinar Female Fertility Preservation NFS BFS

You are most welcome to the first-time-ever joint Nordic Fertility Society and Baltic Fertility Society webinar. Participation is free. Welcome to listen to the outstanding leading experts on


Date: November 11th, 2020

Time: 15:00–16:30 (Swedish time; CET; UTC+01:00)


14:45–15:00 Attendees Welcome

Moderator: President of Baltic Fertility Society Professor Andres Salumets

15:00–15:30 Indications of freezing ovarian tissue beyond fertility preservation in cancer patients.

Professor Claus Yding Andersen

15:30–16:00 First-line cancer treatment on the follicle quality in cryopreserved ovarian samples from girls and young women.

Associate Professor Pauliina Damdimopoulou

16:00–16:30 Investigation of the efficacy and safety of fertility preservation.

Professor Kenny Rodriguez-Wallberg

Official language: English

The webinar is intended for Obstetrics and Gynecologists, Embryologists, Andrologists, Biologists, Laboratory Technicians, Nurses and other Specialists in IVF, Infertility Specialists

Price: Free of charge

Please register at

The platform is live and you will be able to present questions to the speakers.

See you soon!

Organizing Committee

Marjut Otala and Antti Perheentupa (NFS)

Andres Salumets and Zivile Cerkiene (BFS)